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Associazione ETICA  is a Ente del Terzo Settore, (E.t.s), a non-profit organization founded on June 18th 1998.


It was born from the idea of ​​a group of friends to create a concrete tool to help children and adults in a state of social and economic vulnerability in Italy and around the world.

Here our social Statute.

ETICA currently consists of 7 effective members and about 200 supporters of various levels. In addition to paying an annual membership fee, members help raise funds for projects.

Each year, through their own assembly, the members evaluate the work and the budget of the previous year and decide on the initiatives to be taken in the current year.

Since our foundation, our commitment is to never exceed 25% of the expenditure in administrative expenses and never to fall below 75% for the social costs of projects.

Here our latest economic balances, drawn up and verified by the Togni Accountant of Bergamo.

José Martí

Our 26 years of history

  • From 1998 to 2006, we supported the IBCM care center for 160 children, children of AIDS patients with the HIV / AIDS virus in Salvador de Bahia. We covered their medical and educational expenses. Their parents were oriented towards disease and treatment. Their hospitalizations was also granted by us.
  • From 2005 to 2015, we financed and coordinated a recovery project for 500 children suffering from severe malnutrition in collaboration with IPREDE (Institute for Prevention of Malnutrition) specialized centre in Fortaleza. We paid the full the salaries of two professionals (nutritionist and nurse) and paid all the expenses related to specific foods intended for the full recovery of the children under treatment.
  • From 2005 to 2018 we financed and coordinated a food and psycho-pedagogical assistance project for 250 children with cancer and leukemia admitted to the PETER PAN / HIAS Pediatric Cancer Center in Fortaleza, a reference for assistance to minor cancer patients. We paid the monthly supply of food aimed at recovering from the effects of the therapies on children and the support the salary of a psycho-pedagogist who has assisted dozens of minors who, under the psychological profile, suffered most from the disease. Finally, we donated a  Shelter (Lar Cristina Rizzi) for minors in cancer treatment and their relatives.
  • From 1999 to 2020 we funded a speech therapy project for 510 children with speech disorders at the Centro Educacional da Juventude Father Joao Piamarta, in the metropolitan region of Fortaleza. We supported the salary of a speech therapist who assisted and treated hundreds of girls and boys with expressive phonetic disorders. The children, assisted by the Ong Operazione Lieta from Brescia, were thus able to return to the classroom and complete their educational course.ETICA has also supported, over the years, the initiatives of other friendly associations in
    •  MEXICO (Donation for hospital supplies)
    • NICARAGUA (Donation for civil construction)
    • MOZAMBIQUE (Supply of professional training material)
    • BELARUS (Donation to support  orphans)
    • CUBA (Donation to Pediatric Hospital)
    • GHANA (Supply of medical equipment and furniture)