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Project CEARÀ (Brazil)

Project CEARÀ (Brazil)

Project CEARÀ (Brazil)

The context

In the rural areas of Northeast of Brazil the periodic water shortages and cyclic drought are commons. The Access to water, a fundamental right of every human being, is decided more by the abuse of bad politics than by a normal law enforcement.

Where we are

In the whole state of Ceará.
Cooperating with OBAS, Barreira – Cearà.

The Project has two main goals:

1) Building tanks to provide families with rainwater

Each family receives one tank.
The tank capacity is of 10.000 to 16.000 liters.

The selection of families is determined by 3 criterias:
1) The larger family.
2) Families who  lives further from water sources like rivers, lakes and public wells.
3) Families have to enroll their minor children to school and participate to tank maintenance courses

2) Teaching young farmworkers to deal with the drought, learning techniques to save waste water and use it for cultivation.

Every year 5 young farmers will be educated on all the techniques of coexistence with drought.

These farmers will subsequently install these techniques in their own households and communities.

How to support this project

Results as of 31/12/2022

2972 people benefited

493 rainwater tanks built 

20  young farmers professionalized and enabled to deal with cronic shortage of water by using new reuse and conservation techniques.

